
The dms+ application can be installed in two different ways. Please refer to the respective chapters for further details:


You can install the dms+ application in a docker container network. This section describes how to do that.


  • You must have administrator privileges on the machine where you want to execute the application

  • You need to have an installation of the docker engine and docker compose (see docker compose installation) on the machine where you want to execute the application


Download the latest release and put all files and subfolders from the _environment directory to a location of your choice on your hard drive.


Rename the file dms.env.example to dms.env and adjust the included environment variables for the MySQL connection:

# dms.env



Start the docker containers via a terminal window with the following script that automatically handles all necessary docker commands for you:

sh ./

After a while, you should see the following output in the terminal:

Creating database ... done
Creating app      ... done
Creating webserver ... done
Creating scanner   ... done

This indicates that the start up was successful. Please continue with the section Smoketest in order to check if everything went well.


If you don't want to use the pre-configured docker compose files to run your installation of dms+, then you can also install application as standalone version. This section describes how to do that.


  • You must have administrator privileges on your machine

  • You need to make sure that the following packages are installed on your machine: build-essential, gd, libpng-dev, libjpeg62-turbo-dev, libfreetype6-dev, locales, libzip-dev, zip, jpegoptim, optipng, pngquant, gifsicle, vim, unzip, git, curl, netcat, pdo_mysql, mbstring, exif and pcntl

  • You need a running MySQL server version 8.0 or higher

  • You need a running PHP server version 7.3 or higher with Apache (alternatively you can use a corresponding PHP FPM version fronted by Nginx version 1.17 or higher)

  • You need an installation of OCRmyPDF version 9.7 or higher


Download the latest release from the release overview and unzip or untar it on the server you want to run the application. The unzipped folder contains the directories laravel and scanner. Carry out the following steps in order to install the application:

  1. install composer - on linux based machines you can simply run this command:

curl -sS | php -- --install-dir=/usr/local/bin --filename=composer
  1. Copy the laravel directory to the webserver's root directory (usually /var/www/html). In the remaining bits of this wiki this location is referred to as LARAVEL_HOME.

  2. Run the command composer install in the LARAVEL_HOME directory.

  3. Copy the scanner directory to a directory of your choice. In the remaining bits of this wiki this location is referred to as SCANNER_HOME.

  4. create the following sub directories in the LARAVEL_HOME directory:

  5. LARAVEL_HOME/storage/logs

  6. LARAVEL_HOME/storage/search

  7. LARAVEL_HOME/storage/app/documents

  8. create a symbolic link from LARAVEL_HOME/public/files to /var/www/storage/app/documents


The following steps need to be carried out (in order) to configure the application appropriately: 1. Create a new user for a new database on your mysql server 2. Take over the settings from the LARAVEL_HOME/config/php/local.ini into the php configuration file of your web server 3. Configure a virtual host for port 9000 on your web server pointing to the LARAVEL_HOME directory 4. Set the following environment variables in your .profile file according to the settings made in steps 1 and 2:

  • WEB_HOST (e. g. localhost:9000)

  • DB_HOST (e. g. localhost)

  • MYSQL_DATABASE (e. g. myDatabase)

  • MYSQL_USER (e. g. dmsAdmin)

  • MYSQL_PASSWORD (e. g. aHard2GuessPwd)

  • Generate a Laravel application key with php artisan generate:key

  • Populate the database by running php artisan migrate and php artisan db:seed in the LARAVEL_HOME directory

  • Setup a cronjob that runs the shell script in SCANNER_HOME directory periodically (e. g. every hour)


Simply startup your web server. Please continue with the section Smoketest in order to continue.


When you open the dms+ web application via http://localhost:9000 you should see the following landing page:

Please refer to the User Guide for further information on how to navigate the application.

Last updated